burner controls type lgk16... feature a self-checking flame supervision circuit. that supervision circuit initiates the required safety actions not only in the case of premature or missing flame signals, but also in the event of any kind of fault on the flame detector, the detector cables or the flame signal amplifier that could simulate a flame signal during burner operation. the burner controls are therefore suited for use in all types of oil- or gas-fired combustion plants where self-checking flame supervision systems are either mandatory or recommendable: burners that operate continuously burners in intermittent operation that, in the case of great heat demand, may operate continuously for more than 14 hours, e.g. in plants using boiler sequencing burners that need to comply with the german trd 411 and trd 412 regulations for steam boilers burners in plants where, for specific safety requirements, supervision of the burner by a self-checking flame supervision system seems advisable lgk16型燃烧控制器,控制和监控连续运转的多段或连续比例调节的强制通风式大中型燃气燃烧器, 实时监控火焰信号,并在出现故障(如探测器故障,探测器电缆以及虚假的火焰信号等等)时及时启动安全动作 带有自检火焰信号放大器 |